Our Consortium Members
2nd Primary School in Grevena
1st Model Lykeio (upper secondary school) in Kastoria
Primary School of Nestorio in Kastoria
8th Gymnasio (Lower Secondary School) In Kozani
13rd Primary School in Kozani
Gymnasio (Lower Secondary School) in Lefkopigi
11th Primary School in Ptolemaida
Gymnasio (Lower Secondary School) in Lefkopigi
1st Primary School in Florina
2nd Gymnasio (Lower Secondary School) in Ptolemaida
2nd Gumnasio (Lower Secondary School) in Grevena
3rd Lykeio (Upper Secondary School) in Kozani
1st Gymnasio (Lower Secondary School) in Kastoria
3rd Lykeio (Upper Secondary School) in Florina

Accredited project 2021 activities

Α. Courses and Training

A group of 20 participants attended training courses on the topic "Climate cares! Education and Environment" provided by the organisation PSMERasmus from 24.05 to 30.05.2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Β. Job shadowing

A group of 20 participants had the opportunity to visit schools in Bialystok, Poland from 13 to 19 November 2022. During the visit, the teachers observed teaching lessons, got acquainted with different educational practices, got to know the Polish educational system, joined cooperation networks with foreign school units for future cooperation, exchanged good practices and improved their foreign language skills.

C. Invited Experts

The Regional Directorate of Education of Western Macedonia organized a blended training workshop on 8 and 9 June 2023. The participants were informed about the relationship between the holistic approach to sustainable development and digital literacy. They were also introduced to the conceptual foundations of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) and the Council of Europe's Agenda for Sustainable Development and Quality Education.

Impact of the participation in the Erasmus Accredited Project 2021 of the Regional Directorate Of Education of Western Macedonia in the field of School Education

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